This is not a new story. Toward the close of his days here on earth, people were clamoring to crucify the very one who "...made the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, to the poor the gospel is preached." (Luke 7:22) It's a hard scene to take in. Even Pilate had serious reservations about Jesus. Pilate states that he can find no fault in Jesus. But the accusers of Jesus become even more fierce. Pilate knows that Jesus is from Galilee and falls under the jurisdiction of Herod Antipas, the tetrarch of Galilee. Trying his best to avoid crucifying Jesus, he sends him on to Herod.
Unfortunately for Pilate, Herod's only interest in Jesus is to see miracles (this is the Herod that beheaded John the Baptist). When Jesus does nothing, Herod promptly sends him back to Pilate. Pilate stills tries to wiggle out of condemning Jesus to death. But the crowd will have nothing to do with releasing Jesus and Barabbas the murderer is released in his place. This tragedy unfolds in Luke 23.
Pilate turns out to be an unwitting key player in this drama. His wife sends him a message (Matthew 27:19) to have nothing to do with "that just man". Apparently her words did carry some weight with him because twice he tries to keep from pronouncing a death sentence on Jesus. It is only when the mob appears to be turning into a riot that he condemns Jesus to crucifixion. And so, he folded in the face of adversity. He pronounced Jesus a man without fault, not worthy of being crucified and then condemned him.
And so it goes with life here on planet earth. People who know what is right fail to carry it out. And old professor once told his class that "Wrong prevails when good men do nothing." There's been an awful lot in this old world that has gone amiss. The once highly regarded Ten Commandments are being brought down in states all across the country. What's wrong with the Ten Commandments that people hate them? They hate what they stand for: Jesus.