Eve, in the garden, looked at the tree and saw that it was good for food (Genesis 3:6). Now she was aware of God’s warning because she recited it to the serpent (verse 3). She traded what was pleasing to the eye for death and banishment from the garden.
And Lot lifted up his eyes and saw that the plain of Jordan was well watered and chose it when Abram and Lot split up (Genesis 13:10). He knew it was close to Sodom and Gomorrah and soon discovered how wicked they were. Yes, his cows had it good. But, Lot and his family’s outcome was devastating.
Judas who betrayed Jesus saw what he had done and attempted to right a wrong and return the 30 pieces of silver (Matthew 27:3-5). It was too late. The deed was done. He had thought the 30 pieces of silver was a good bargain. It wasn’t.
Satan led Jesus to a high place and offered him all the kingdoms of the world if he would worship him (Satan). It’s in Luke 4:5-7. Jesus denied Satan and took up his cross. The one that he was to carry to redeem mankind. “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? (Matthew 16:26).
Deny yourself and take up your cross and follow Jesus. Make a cross and tape it where you see it many times every day. Stop and pray, “Lord, use me to win one person to you this year. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.” Jesus has a claim on our lives. He died for all of us. Give your life for something that will count for all of eternity.