Quite an opening for a service from the book of Jonah, Chapter 1:14 through Chapter 2:2. Although Jonah was the example, Pastor Josh pointed out that this is the condition of mankind, too. He went on to point out that Jonah was fast asleep (Chapter 1:5). God had put the ship in jeopardy on his account and he was sleeping peacefully. Mankind repeats the same old mistake by not realizing they're in danger and headed to a devil's hell. Jonah was going to go to the far end of the world, as far as man had been. Pastor Josh said, "There's no 'fraidy' hole you can get in that God doesn't know you're there."
"If the Church would really understand that since Pentecost the world has not been the same." continued our pastor. Pentecost commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples of Jesus after his Ascension (Acts 2). "It started out with 11 disciples. You can never get so far that God can't see where you are. Go as far as you can, do as much as you can, and then do it all again. God will be there." encouraged the pastor.
Jonah was sinking to rise no more. He was pitched overboard. But God had prepared a great fish (Jonah 1:17) to swallow him up. Jonah had no hope except that God had sent the fish. Here Jonah is in open rebellion and God prepares a place for him. The fish saves Jonah so, too, Christ saves mankind. Don't despise witnessing. Remember, this all started when Jonah didn't want to witness to Nineveh.
Here Jonah is on the other end of the world and at the bottom of the ocean. Out of despair he cried out. When all seems lost the stoutest of hearts cry out. God hears. Jonah remembers God. He also remembers his actions that got him there. He prays. "Salvation is of the Lord." he says. He ceased being in danger. The fish spit him out on dry ground.
Remember to stop and pray. Know where the victory is.