In the first verse Paul reminds us to take a good look at ourselves and see if anything has changed in us. What have we done to honor the sacrifice that Jesus made for us? Have we cleaned up our act or are we still continuing on just living life with no thought of what things are important.
In the second verse we are reminded that Jesus really did suffer and die so that we may live. Paul’s caution is a good one. “Let a man examine himself…” Are we carnal, worldly or are we Christ-like, spiritual? Seriously sit down and take an inventory of how you are doing spiritually.
First, do you believe God with your head or your heart? Remember that even the devil and demons believe there is a God, they just refuse to believe in him. Romans 10:10 says that you acknowledge with your mouth what your heart believes. Second, what do you trust in? Do you believe that you are saved by God’s grace/mercy, or do you need to do stuff to get there? God doesn’t need you to do stuff. He needs you. Then, God will lead you to where you need to go.
Third, what rules you? Are you prideful or humble? See God for who he truly is (Holy) and then measure yourself against that measuring stick. Take the time to do it right and really measure yourself. Fourth, what are your goals in life? Write them down. Take a good look at it. Who are you serving, God or self?
And fifth, who do you love? It says, “For God so loved the world… (John 3:16).” So, do you love God and some or God and all? That’s the question. It’s hard and takes real perseverance.
Obey or disobey, know right from wrong, pray, forgive, love, follow the Word, worship, etc. There’s a long list of choices in life. Take time to do it right. Your eternal life depends on it.