Those who are honest with themselves will admit that sin finds its way into our lives. It’s like the worm in Job 24:20 that feeds ‘sweetly on him.’ Sin is a result of wrong-headed thinking. The first example in the Bible is in Genesis 3 when Eve believed Satan and ate the fruit. Something happened to Eve in verse 6. She looked at the tree through new eyes but it was the eyes of lust. Sinning starts in the mind and then moves like a worm to the heart. What are some of the other things that trigger wrong-headed thinking? Pride, envy, anger, laziness, greed, gluttony, and lust are called the seven deadly sins.
People go in all sorts of directions to rid themselves of bad (sinful) behavior. The world is full of writings on the subject. God’s plan is this: Jesus died for all. (II Corinthians 5:15) All means everyone, no one is left out. He died and arose the third day and was seen by many. (I Corinthians 5:4-8) Believing God is foremost. (John 3:18, Acts 16:30-31) Those who believe will have everlasting life. (I Timothy 1:13-16)
Paul the Apostle tells how he was the worst of the worst sinners. But that it was because of unbelief. The grace of God saved him from who he was. His story begins on the road to Damascus. He was chosen by God to be the apostle to the Gentiles. And beginning with the road to Damascus until he was beheaded by order of Nero, he was tireless in his efforts to spread the gospel (I Corinthians 15:1-4) to all. Thank God that Paul fought the good fight. (II Timothy 4:7)