The text of the sermon was taken from Luke 13:25-30. It's a sad passage about what will happen to those who will try to get into the Master's house once the door is shut. Our pastor pointed out that society has pulled a reversal on us. Present-day morals has been turned on its' head and what was wholesome and good is seen as evil and bad. "Good and evil still exist. There is a very real devil and a very real God. It doesn't matter what society says is good or bad, stand for what is right." said Pastor Josh.
Noah preached for one hundred years that the world was going to be destroyed. The drought went on. Preachers today are pleading with people that they should repent and believe. "But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." (Matthew 24:37) Pastor Josh continued, "Hell is going to burn hot for those who don't believe."
The day finally came and the Ark was complete. All mankind needed to do was get on the boat. They would be saved. All they had to do was believe Noah's message. They would be saved. God shut Noah in. (Genesis 7:16) The rain started. Then people realized Noah's truth. But it was too late. The door was shut.
Jesus warns the people in Luke 13:25-30. There's a day coming when Christ will shut the door. God will judge the world. He will not let wrong be right and right be wrong.