And what a time to start! We have a lot of exciting things going on these days at Sweden.
Recently an anonymous donor blessed us with new hymnals--a brand new set of dark blue, hardcover Heavenly Highway Hymns. We'd love to thank the person who donated these books, but we realize that all good and perfect gifts are from God our Father. So we thank Him and trust that He will bless the heart of the giver. After all, He'll do a much better job of it than we can.
We also received a sizable monetary gift in recent weeks. Windell and Larry Heatherly donated $1,000.00 to Sweden Church in memory of their mother Beulah (Dye) Heatherly who passed last fall and was buried in the Sweden Cemetery. Mrs. Heatherly's father John Dye was an influential leader in the early life of Sweden Church. We appreciate this family and their gift.
We've been praying for several months about the need for another deacon to serve our congregation. We are happy to announce God has answered that prayer. Brother Tom Johnson volunteered to fill this position, and the congregation was glad to accept him. On Sunday, February 15, we will have a fellowship dinner after the morning service (I expect we'll all be cooking Brother Tom's favorites). Brother Tom's ordination service will be that afternoon at 2:00 pm.
One last piece of exciting news! We're going to hold a Revival Meeting in March. Starting March 9 and lasting at least through the morning service on Sunday, March 15. We'll be holding nightly services at 7:00 pm. Brother Ray Dobbs will be preaching Monday, March 9 and Thursday, March 12. Brother Brock Mitchell will be preaching Tuesday, March 10 and Friday, March 13. Brother Russell McDarris will be preaching Wednesday, March 11 and Saturday, March 14, and Sunday morning, March 15 as well. We are praying God will move in a great way during these meetings, and we want you to come share in His blessings with us.
This Sunday morning (February, 1), Pastor Strong brought a message from Genesis 3:1-6 about "Buying High and Selling Low." Click over to our Sunday Services page to hear how Adam and Eve, Elisha's servant Gehazi, and Judas Iscariot "sold low," and how we can avoid doing the same.
Sunday evening's service was the monthly singing. Go to the Sweden Sunday Singing page to hear all the wonderful music from that service.