The Lord’s Supper is familiar to most of us. It is the time that Jesus spent breaking bread with his disciples before he was arrested and crucified. The bread was symbolic of the bread of life (John 6:57,58) and the wine was symbolic of Jesus’ shed blood for the remission of sins (Matthew 26:27,28). When Christians celebrate the Lord’s Supper, it is a time to spend discerning just how much of Jesus have we eaten and drunk.
Pastor Josh backed up the story to give his listeners some more to take in and consider. The story begins in I Corinthians 11:18. “The Corinth church has problems, divisions over things that really don’t matter. Don’t get bogged down and distracted over little things.” said Pastor Josh. “Who is happier when you do this, the devil or God? If the devil had his way, he would have killed me and taken me to hell with him long ago. But God was rich in grace towards me and saved me.”,
The big problem with the Corinth church, they weren’t coming together to eat the Lord’s Supper and discern their spiritual situation. They just came to eat and drink. They could go home for that. Yes, Paul is giving them their comeuppance. The time of the Lord’s Supper is not a ritual but a time of showing the world, “I choose Jesus.” We show the purpose of the Lord’s death until he comes.