Apparently, Pilate hadn’t just fallen off a turnip truck. After some questioning of Jesus, he comes to the conclusion that the priests delivered Jesus to him out of envy (Mark 15:10). In most circles envy is considered one of the seven deadly sins. This would make one believe that is true given what happens to Jesus. He is crucified.
One of the Ten Commandments is: Thou shalt not covet (Exodus 20:17). Envy and covet are synonyms and jealousy is akin to them. God saw it as worthy enough to be part of the commandments. Why? Because Satan uses covetness as a way to steal man’s soul from him.
Satan was working overtime in the hearts of the chief priests. So much so that they, the chief priests, blinded the people they incited, Pilate, and the soldiers to the truth of who Jesus really was. Satan was clever that day. He got the chief priests to do his dirty work for him.
But, not entirely. Barabbas enters. He is a murderer and Jesus takes his place to be crucified. Jesus is the substitute for sin. Satan forgot a lesson back in Genesis 50. It’s verse 20, “But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.” Thank God that we have a loving God. John 3:16. Read it.