Where is Jesus now? It says in Mark 16:19 that he’s sitting at the right hand of God. John 17:5 also tells us that Jesus asked the Father to glorify him along with the Father and restore the glory he had before the world was. He has been exalted. It says so in Philippians 2:9-11.
If you’re still a little fuzzy about the magnificence of our savior, Ephesians 1:19-23 spells it out quite eloquently. For our purposes here Jesus is “far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named.” We have a savior who triumphed over the grave, sin, Satan, flesh, and the world.
What were his last words? In three words, “go and preach”. Why? Just because Jesus left this earth to be with his Father doesn’t mean his ministry is over. He has empowered us, his followers, to carry on his ministry. A day will come when Jesus will ask us, eyeball to eyeball, “What did you do for my ministry?”
Our part is to get the Word to anyone who needs to hear it. Like Pastor Josh said in the sermon, “If all it took was a little water to save people, I’d buy a firetruck and go around and spray everyone I saw. Wouldn’t you? It takes more than just water to save people, though. So do what Christ asked you to do, go and preach. Get out and do something for Christ. Talk to people, use the computer to reach people, sing hymns, pray, do whatever you can to reach people.
Why is that so important? It’s in John 12:32 where Jesus says that if he is lifted up then he can draw people unto himself. It takes us to do the lifting, Jesus does the drawing. It’s really quite simple: Find a way to do your part so Jesus can do the rest. Amen.